Following are some of the best sites to help delve deeper into the Mysteries:
Wikipedia: Eleusinian Mysteries
Artchive: Eleusis, Telesterion () by Greek Art
Maryville University’s Lives and Social Culture of Ancient Greece offers an excellent compilation of resources on social hierarchy, education, society, art, religion and myth. Highly recommended.
The Folklore and Mythology Resource Guide is a comprehensive learning guide for students and educators that includes general folklore resources, folktale resources, Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Norse mythology resources along with folklore and mythology podcasts. Highly recommended!
Iordanis Poulkouras is Editorial Advisor of ‘Abaton’ magazine in Greece. His paper The Eleusinian Mysteries is excellent. Under the pen-name J.P. Craftson he has written the book Bleeding Angels – The Esoteric Traditions of Europe And the Ancient Masonic Manuscripts. Under his real name, he is the co-author of several books including The Power of Symbols And Mythic Treasures (Archetypon pub.).
The AMPHORAS Project
This site contains information on plain, unglazed, ceramic storage containers, with two handles, mostly pointed at the bottom, used to carry wine, oil, fish, and other commodities around the ancient Mediterranean. AMPHORAS is making available part of the archive collected by Virginia R. Grace at the excavations of the Agora at Athens.
An Overview of Classical Greek History from Mycenae to Alexander: Athenian Religious And Cultural Life in the Golden Age: The Outlines of Greek Religion in the Classical Period
The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook is a companion to the Internet Medieval Sourcebook and the Internet Modern History Sourcebook. Links to the larger online collections are provided for those who want to explore further. The distinctive feature of the Sourcebooks’ layout remains here – the avoidance of images and multiple “clicking” to find texts. The Ancient History Sourcebook also includes links to visual and aural material.
The Ancient World Mapping Center promotes cartography, historical geography and geographic information science as essential disciplines within the field of ancient studies through innovative and collaborative research, teaching, and community outreach activities.
Archaeologica – Your source on the web for daily archaeological news and information.
Book Ideas Fuchu – A community service where mostly on Saturdays, one can read, talk, check out books, and attend presentations. It was started in July 2006 to lend non-Japanese books for free. As a group registered with Fuchu City Office, we have been using the Bunka Center, but also Café Slow, Momijigaoka Community Hall, and a rental space in an apartment building.
The Death ClockTM, the Internet’s friendly reminder that life is slipping away… second by second. Like the hourglass of the Net, the Death Clock will remind you just how short life is.
Encyclopedia Britannica Online – Eleusinian Mysteries
The Digital Classicist is a web-based hub for scholars and students interested in the application of Humanities Computing to research into the ancient world. The main purpose of the site is to offer guidelines and suggestions of major technical issues. We shall also provide reports on events, publications (print and electronic), and other developments in the field. Criteria for inclusion will be the interest and expertise of collaborators, in general, and of the editors, in particular.
With The Internet Classics Archive you can select from a list of 441 works of classical literature by 59 different authors, including user-driven commentary and “reader’s choice” Web sites. Mainly Greco-Roman works (some Chinese and Persian), all in English translation.
The Internet Sacred Texts archive is the largest freely available archive of online books about religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric on the Internet. The site is dedicated to religious tolerance and scholarship, and has the largest readership of any similar site on the web.
LacusCurtius: Into the Roman World. Phenomenal site, linking you to a wealth of resources – too many to enumerate here.
Mysteries of Eleusis: Images of Inscriptions. Kevin Clinton’s database consists of images of ancient inscriptions on stone from Eleusis. Images from museums will be added as permission from the museums is granted; in the meantime only thumbnail views can be presented.
The Oxford Text Archive develops, collects, catalogues and preserves electronic literary and linguistic resources. We also give advice on the creation and use of these resources, and are involved in the development of standards and infrastructure for electronic language resources.
Perseus is an evolving digital library, engineering interactions through time, space, and language. Our primary goal is to bring a wide range of source materials to as large an audience as possible. We anticipate that greater accessibility to the sources for the study of the humanities will strengthen the quality of questions, lead to new avenues of research, and connect more people through the connection of ideas.
PostSecret is one reason why if we had the Eleusinian Mysteries in the twenty-first century, they wouldn’t be secret for long.
There are over 25,000 free books in the Project Gutenberg Online Book Catalog. A grand total of over 100,000 titles are available at Project Gutenberg partners, affiliates and resources.
David Meadow’s RogueClassicism is like Sol Invictus Day every day!
The Sacred Books of the East (SBE) series, comprising fifty volumes, was issued by the Oxford University Press between 1879 and 1910. It has translations of key sacred texts of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, and Islam. The series was edited by the famous linguist Max Müller, who also produced many of the translations. The SBE has been designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as part of the UNESCO Collection of Representative Works. This series was the one of the inspirations for the sacred-texts website. As most of the SBE texts are in the public domain worldwide (and all of them in are public domain in the US), we have a long term project of converting the entire series to etexts.
The Stoa Consortium serves news, projects, And links for digital classicists everywhere.
Sanderson Beck’s website on the Mysteries of Eleusis was one of the first I ran across decades ago. It contains a wealth of information.
The Tertullian Project created by Roger Pearse is a collection of material ancient and modern about the ancient Christian Latin writer Tertullian and his writings.
The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®) is a research center at the University of California, Irvine. Founded in 1972 the TLG has already collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. Its goal is to create a comprehensive digital library of Greek literature from antiquity to the present era.
Lucas, from a fourth to sixth grade reading club, recommends Greek Mythology Gods and Goddesses
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